Fair Trade Project

The 5/6s have been busy drafting, revising, editing, and revising again their opinion editorials (op-eds) on buying foods that are fair trade certified.

Before taking on this persuasive piece of writing, students studied articles, editorials, and op-eds to identify the features that make a written piece persuasive.

Features of a persuasive text include:

  • A claim
  • Reasons/arguments
  • Factual evidence
  • Emotive language
  • Subject-specific vocabulary

One of the need-to-knows for this project was: How can we best convince/persuade our community to change their buying habits to Fair Trade certified products? After brainstorming a number of persuasive mediums, the 5/6s were introduced to the idea of writing an op-ed. Traditional op-eds sit across from the editorial page of a newspaper, however, news websites continue to have a section dedicated to the written opinions of their community members. 

Be sure to check out their convincing arguments below!

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